October 16, 2024

Acupressure treatment or acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in China. Studies have shown that acupuncture helps relieve asthmatic symptoms. The exact mechanism is unknown. Acupuncture is accepted as an adjunct treatment to modern medicine. From the perspective of modern medicine, patients can go for acupuncture as a form of adjunct therapy as it is part of alternative medicines. Medical treatment is not only about taking pills. There are many other interventions in a medical treatment depending on the disease a patient is suffering from. Symptoms tracking is the part where patients are required to list down and record all the symptoms they are experiencing in a day in the asthma diary. Treatment for asthma by acupressure is accepted as an additional form of therapy to existing modern medical treatment, but not as a substitute.

Asthma diary is very important. Previously, public hospitals in Malaysia will provide the diaries. However, now they are no longer providing. No worries, as doctors can demonstrate to patients how to maintain and start an asthma diary. Lung function recording is also important and patients are required to do this frequently at home. Spirometry is the tool required. Some patients did not carry out the agreed plan or they simply forgot. Asthma is a dynamic disease and because of that, the treatment plan and medications dose changes time by time. Please remember the latest agreed plan, especially the medications dose and cooperate in executing the plan. Asthma is managed by avoiding triggers and taking medications.

Asthma is poorly understood by the general population. Asthma is a condition where patients’ body reacts excessively towards the allergen. There are many allergens identified to trigger an asthma attack. Asthma is a disease of your lungs. It is a chronic disease that is characterized by airway inflammation, excessive phlegm production, and narrowing of the airway. This happens following exposure to allergens or triggering factors.

There are many medications available for treating asthmatic patients. The examples of medications are budesonide and salbutamol. Generally, there are few groups of antiasthmatic medications. They are:

  • Beta 2 agonist like salbutamol and salmeterol
  • Corticosteroids like fluticasone and budesonide
  • Leukotriene receptor antagonist
  • Methylxanthine like theophylline

Asthma medications exist in many forms like oral, intravenous, and inhalers. Some inhalers are a combination of both Beta-agonists and corticosteroids such as Seretide. Salbutamol is a short-acting beta-agonist. Most of the time, salbutamol does not exist in combination with corticosteroids. Inhalers help asthma in different ways depending on the content. Beta-agonists treat asthma by causing dilatation of the airways and provide fast relief. Corticosteroid inhalers can prevent exacerbation or subsequent attacks. They reduce the hypersensitivity of the airways towards allergens.

A spacer is an additional device given to children, elderly or people who can’t master hand-breathing coordination. This device helps to keep the medications in the chamber and give patients more time to take in the medications. Always rinse your mouth and nose with water as corticosteroids or budesonide for asthma may cause unwanted side effects such as infection or irritation.

Please get a valid medical opinion before you go for other alternative therapy. Some therapy can cause more harm and has no scientific evidence to prove that it works. Do not self-treat your health problems and get proper treatment from a qualified doctor.