Do I Really Need Professionals to Take Care of an Unattended Death Cleanup Fort Collins Colorado?

One of your tenants passed away. Unfortunately, no one discovered the body for several days. It as only when other tenants complained about an unusual scent that the body was found. Now you’re faced with the need to do something about the apartment. Should you try to manage the task on your own or call a professional to handle the unattended death cleanup Fort Collins Colorado? There are some important reasons to go with the latter option.

Removing the Body Safely and With Respect

Services that provide support after unattended deaths know how to remove the body responsibly and with respect. This is important since the body will need to be transported for an autopsy and eventually prepared for burial or cremation. The fact is that you don’t have the skill or the resources to ensure the body is handled safely and with care. By contrast, professionals who work for cleanup companies know exactly what must be done.

Avoiding Health Issues Due to Bacteria

During decomposition, a great deal of bacteria is released. It’s not just on the carpeting or the furnishings where the body is found. Bacteria spreads along with body fluids. It’s even released into the air.

In order to enter the space and begin the cleaning, it’s important to have hazard gear that’s designed to prevent direct contact with the bacteria. Masks and other breathing apparatus also help to protect the team members handling the cleaning. You’re not likely to have the right type of protective gear on hand to manage this kind of task.

Deciding What Can and Cannot Be Cleaned

Depending on the severity of the decomposition, cleaning upholstered furnishings may not be possible. The same is true for the carpeting and the underlying pad. You may also find that rugs and other belongings may not be candidates for cleaning. All of those items will be disposed of at part of the unattended death cleanup Fort Collins Colorado. Whatever is left will be cleaned and prepared for an executor to distribute according to the wishes left behind by the deceased.

Doing Something About the Odor

Decomposition is an odor that few people can forget. It can permeate all sorts of materials, making it difficult to remove the scent. Professionals do have access to cleaning products that stand a better chance of thoroughly disinfecting the space and removing the odor. The products that you could pick up, even if they happen to be industrial strength, would be unlikely to produce the same level of results.

Managing the Job in a Timely Manner

There’s also the matter of time. You want to have the space cleaned quickly so that the remainder of your tenants can move on from the unfortunate event. After a time, you will want to prepare the unit so it can be offered for rent. By hiring a team of professionals to handle the cleaning, it’s easier to remove all signs of what took place and begin doing whatever you need to do to make the unit ready for the next tenant.

The bottom line is that attempting to take care of the cleanup after an unattended death is not something you should attempt on your own. Call a professional, find out what it will take, and have the work done as quickly as possible. In the long run, you’ll be glad that you chose this approach rather than trying to manage the cleanup alone.

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