When it is time to get away from addictive substances and their consumption, it is essential to be safe.
There are a lot of people in the world who have an addiction to some kind of psychoactive substance. Continued consumption means that in the long run, the body reacts by needing increasing amounts of substance at the same time that it generates alterations in the biology and in the behavior of the subject that can end up having severe effects on his life, or even death.
In many cases, people with drug addiction are not aware of the limitations and problems that their addiction poses, and in others, they are not or are not able to combat the need to consume. How to stop drugs? In this article, we will try to observe some of the procedures that are carried out to achieve the cessation of consumption.
Drug Addiction And How To Stop Drugs
We consider drug dependence or drug addiction to the continued and excessive use of substances with psychoactive effects despite the existence of critical negative consequences and the knowledge of suffering from these on the part of the affected.
The subject has been acquiring tolerance to the drug, requiring more and more of the substance to have an effect, and the cessation of consumption produces aversive symptoms (arising from the need for it to be acquired by the body to function normally). They can lead to continuing consuming only by avoiding them.
The subject usually has limited capacity to control consumption, decreasing and limiting its performance and participation in different areas of life and devoting much of the time and thought to consume or get this substance.
The Transitory Model Of Prochaska And Diclemente Applied To The Treatment Of Addiction
When working on the treatment of addiction to substances, one of the leading and most well-known models is the transitory model of Prochaska and Diclemente, which propose the existence of various phases through which a subject passes in the process of ending the process.
In these phases, the subject would go through different mental and behavioral processes that would lead him little by little to cease consumption in a Place to stop drugs (สถานที่เลิกยาเสพติด, which is the term in Thai]. But we must note that it isn’t a linear process, but it is possible that there are several relapses and recoveries until achieving the final detoxification.
They include;
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation for action
- Action
- Maintenance