It’s amazing how people with no cook experience are so ignorant as to what makes the best omelette pan. You would think that if someone has ever tried cooking for a living, they would be aware of this crucial element. Well, if they aren’t, you need to re-think your recipes.
The best omelette pan is the one that you can easily control and get the right amount of oil into the pan. Even if you only cook twice a week, it pays to know how much oil you should use. This will save you both time and effort.
With any recipe, you want the cook to be able to read the temperature of the pan, and the cookware, as well as read the actual temperature of the water. Don’t let the water get too hot. If the pan is not able to maintain the temperature of the water, the omelette will be soggy.
Cook too many eggs and you will burn your tongue. Don’t put the eggs in the pan until you are ready to drop them in. It’s easy to get distracted when the omelette is bubbling, or when it looks like the yolk is going to fall out. The best way to get the omelette to cook evenly is to make sure you use a high heat setting.
Don’t load the pan up with eggs at one time. It’s easier to handle, but sometimes it causes a lot of problems. All of the raw egg and oil get in the crevices of the omelette, and then the oil can begin to seep out during the cooking process.
10 Best Omelette Pans
Don’t try to fit an entire omelette in the omelette pan. Omelettes are never full, and they are never cooked in a single layer. When you add more than one egg, the food slowly cooks down in the middle, and it will become soggy.
Don’t be afraid to use a good commercial omelette mix. The majority of commercially prepared omelets do not come from scratch, so they are not going to have that characteristic “special touch” on them.
Don’t cook eggs in a pan that isn’t designed for use with eggs. Do not try to drop in just a few eggs into a non-stick pan, or onto a non-stick burner. All of these mistakes can cause the bottom of the pan to get a little bit greasy, and it will cause the food to stick to the bottom of the pan.
Keep an eye on the pan. It needs to be heated evenly throughout the cooking process, otherwise the top of the omelette will not cook evenly, and you won’t get the right texture.
Cook the omelette until it starts to crisp up. Do not try to stir the eggs through the cooking process.
Once you have the pan filled up with some good-looking omelettes, check them. Then, turn off the heat, and wait a couple of minutes. Take them out, and make sure that there are no big cracks, or bubbles, before you start to place them in the oven.
A perfectly cooked omelette can make you look like a genius. If you are afraid of frying anything in oil, it is perfectly acceptable to cook an omelette on the stove. Just remember that if you don’t follow these basic guidelines, the end result will probably not be very appetizing.