October 10, 2024

When it comes to performing eye exams, people think at first that the only thing that doctor will check is your eyesight. However, that is not the case because we can differentiate numerous types of exams and tests that will determine the health of your eyes and vision.

Before you decide to search the term “eye doctor near me,” you should know that finding the right doctor is just a first step. The next one includes understanding everything that doctor will perform, which will ultimately help you maintain your eyes and deal with any problem you have.

We will present you a brief guide on different types of specialized tests that your doctor will perform during an exam:

Special Tests That Your Eye Doctor Will Perform During an Exam

  • Corneal Topography – This particular test will include using digital test maps that will determine the state of your cornea. It can detect problems that are happening to your eye’s surface, such as scarring, swelling, or any signs of chronic conditions such as astigmatism. It is common before getting contact lens fitting, corneal transplant, and it can lead to eye surgery as well.
  • Application Goniometry – This particular test will measure the pressure that happens at the part of your eye cornea. These readings will determine the amount of pressure that your eyes are creating on nerves, which is screening that, will decide whether or not you have chances of getting glaucoma. The doctor will give you a few drops into your eyes to numb it, and press it with monometer lightly. You will not feel anything, and it is not an invasive procedure so that you can rest assured.
  • Fluorescein Angiogram – The doctors will conduct this test to see how blood is moving inside your retina. It is an excellent way of determining whether you have macular degeneration, retinal detachment, and diabetic retinopathy. The doctor will use specific dye, which is known as fluorescein into your arm. This particular liquid will travel through your bloodstream and enter your eye through blood vessels. As soon as it reaches the goal, the doctor will use a special camera that features filters that will highlight what is happening with your eyes. He will picture the dye as it goes through vessels into your eye, and that will determine whether you have swelling, circulation issues, abnormal blood vessels and leaking which are common issues among people of all ages. Click here, and you will learn everything about this particular procedure.
  • Refraction – This is one of the most common exams that you already had throughout your life because it includes checking whether you should wear prescription glasses or not. You will look at a specific chart, 20 feet away by using a tool called phoropter. The doctor will move lenses by changing the strengths of them in front of you so that you can tell what you are seeing. You can tell whether things in front of you look blurry or not. By compiling your answers, the doctor will determine whether you need contact lenses or prescription glasses. At the same time, he/she will decide whether you have myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia and astigmatism as well.
  • Slit-lamp Exam – The eye doctors will use a microscope to provide you a small light that will check your slit in the eye. Of course, this particular test requires dilated pupils, so the doctor will place a few drops in each eye and wait for a few minutes so that you can handle everything. It is an efficient testing method for determining whether you have detached retina, glaucoma, cataract, cornea injuries, macular degeneration as well as dry eye issues.
  • Non-Contact Tonometry – If you wish to check whether you have glaucoma, the doctor will use this testing method as well. He/she will use a tool called tonometer that will blow small amounts of air, which is crucial because it will measure eye pressure and cause the indirect resistance that will help you along the way. Have in mind that application instruments can also measure this particular pressure, but monometers are more accurate, but you will need a local anesthetic for the entire procedure.